Monday, December 2, 2013

Carter: 18 Months

Carter Man,
You are EIGHTEEN MONTHS old today! An entire year and a half! Oh my word, how did you ever get to be eighteen months?!?  That's halfway to TWO, so soon we will be saying you are TWO and celebrating your next big birthday.  And with your two little sisters in tow! I don't know if it's you starting preschool, or becoming a big brother, but these last six months have really flown by and I just cannot get over the fact that you are eighteen months old! 

"Wild man" are the words we use to describe you most days.  You are a little tornado, going 100 miles per hour from the second you wake up in the morning to the second you go to bed at night.  I could have never imagined a little person having the energy level that you do, my dear.  You are into EVERYTHING and just love to make a mess and knock over piles and unpack cabinets.  I'm not sure where you got that from, but it certainly wasn't from me! You can make a mess in a matter of seconds and never slow down from room to room.  Your path of destruction knows no bounds and we laugh everyday when we find lipstick in the toothbrush container, cereal in the drum, or a paci in one of our drawers.  You are wild!

On top of being wild this month you have shown your temper.  You want what you want when you want it and don't take "no" for an answer.  While I admire this trait in other adults, it is quite disturbing in someone so young.  It has really testing your daddys and my patience and had us worrying about you a little.  But it sounds like you are acting just like every other eighteen month old on the planet so we utilize time outs when necessary (and spankings when you put yourself in dangerous situations.)  You are also fearless so we have to keep a close eye on you constantly or else we find you standing on top of the slide, or trying to ride your digger while stacking it onto a chair.  You are, without a doubt, 100% boy.  

You are still are a sweet little thing, but only when you want to be.  You LOVE to give huge hugs to your PawPaw, and still seem to favor him over anyone else (I think it's because he bribes you with 4-wheeler rides.)  You freely give out your hugs, kisses and blow kisses when you are in the mood.  And you are sure to blow Cooper a kiss everyday before we leave to go anywhere.  

Other things you currently enjoy: reading books (especially "Moo Baa La La La," "Goodnight Moon," and "I Love You Through and Through"), being outside, any type of toy that you can pull behind you, push, or ride, playing in cars, and your paci.  
Some things you do not enjoy are: sitting still (especially in a high chair), getting in your car seat, someone holding you besides me, diaper changes and holding our hands while walking somewhere.  We still either have to carry you places, or be somewhere where you can run free.  

You are napping from about 12:30-2:30pm on days when you are not at school.  You still eat like a bird and are turning pickier by the day.  You have all of your teeth.  And you are sleeping at night from 7:00pm to 7:00am.  You were sleeping much later but Daylight Savings Time threw you off schedule and you never quite made it back to sleeping later in the mornings.  You are very happy when you wake up and will play in your crib until we go in to get you around 7:30am.

Carter Man- your daddy and I love you so very much and you are so fun to be around.  We love you to the moon and back.

18-Month Stats:
Weight: 25 pounds, 4 ounces (42%)
Length: 31 3/4 inches (32%)
Eating: sippys of milk, combo of baby and table food, and one snack
Bedtime: around 7:00pm
Awake: around 7:00am
Naps: around 12:30 
Diapers: size 5 Huggies
Clothes: 18-months
Shoes: 5 wide
Favorites: playing outside, anything with wheels, your paci, books, videos on our phones, Cooper
Dislikes: not being able to get into something, most meat items
Development: running, climbing, communicating
Words: mama, dada, nana, dog, uh oh, night night, what is that, outside, bye bye, hi, hey, hello, deer, duck, who is that, Nemo, cup

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