Wednesday, August 22, 2012

8 Hours

Guess who just slept 8 hours straight...

-No, this is not normal.  And by posting this I'm sure I'm jinxing any nights he might try to do this again in the future.
- He actually slept 8 hours 15 minutes before I woke him up.  I was at the ohmygoodnessheneedtoeat NOW place. 
- I wonder how much longer he would have slept if I let him?
-He ate for about 20 minutes and went right back to sleep and slept an additional 4 hours before I woke him up again.  
-I'm thinking he was SO tired from crying all day yesterday that he was just plain exhausted and this is not the start of a new trend.  Yes, it was that bad.
-Who thinks he is going to sleep awful tonight? *raises hand*


Dana said...

Carter has such a stinkin cute smile!!! I really enjoy reading your blog, Amanda and I am so happy for you!

Sara said...

Thank the Lord for small blessings, between 8 hours and 15 minutes AND that wonderful grin!! I hope you were able to get some good rest last night too! :) I totally know the "pleasewakeandeatNOWican'ttakeitanymore" sensation... Oh man. Ouch. Hopefully tonight will go better than you think!!

Emily said...

Woohoo!! Go Carter!! I'm sorry y'all had to endure a crappy day, but what a reward! His future Mrs. actually did the same thing 3 nights ago (and I woke her up after 8 hrs bc of sheer panic) but we haven't had another night like that since. They are growing up so fast!! Love you little man!
-Auntie Em