You quickly forget as soon as it's over how long, painful and lonely it is. I'm so thankful God wipes these bitter feelings from me each December so I can gear up to do it all over again every year (football...not childbirth.)
These past 2 weeks have been
hard. Matt's been working 16 hour days and Carter's all over the place trying to get on a schedule. We've had more good days than bad ones, but the bad days are
bad. Thankfully his night sleep is still going strong. When Matt gets home (if I'm still awake) all he wants to do is eat and crash whereas I want to finally have some adult interaction. This whole stay at home gig is hard, much harder than I thought it would be. And
lonely. I'm sure Cooper and Carter are tired of hearing me babble to them all day, lol.
We are trying to learn to honor each others needs; Matt's need to "decompress" when he walks in for a few minutes and my need to connect to him and the real world. Matt has some extra stress this year with having his own classroom and being DC and I can only imagine the overload his brain is feeling this first week of school.
But I'm still really excited. I can't wait to take Carter to his first game and cheer on Matt and our Tigers from the stands. As hard and as time consuming as Matt's job is it's also
so much fun. Who else can say they have 5,000+ people come to their job site and cheer them on each week? I'm so proud of the work he is doing with these boys and this school. And I remind myself of that each night when I'm eating dinner by myself.
And here's an obligatory pic of C so this post isn't too boring. We definitely have ourselves a stomach sleeper.
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