Wednesday, May 9, 2012

32 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 32 weeks
Size of baby: jicama
Gender: BOY...Carter Ryan!
Weight gain: 20 pounds
Movement: he is head down so I can feel his hands in my lower left abdomen, his butt on my left, and his feet on my right...mostly in my ribs at night
Sleep: seldom
Symptoms: insomnia and itching
Cravings: still eating a ton of fruit.  I just HAD to go to Sonic yesterday for some tater tots and ranch :)
What I miss: being comfortable in the car
Best moment this week: reaching 32 weeks.  Dr P told me a long time ago while a milestone 32 weeks would be for him, and I'm so glad our prayers were answered.  Now praying for 36 weeks! 
Best husband moment/quote: We were talking over dinner one night about how I don't think Matt has any idea what is coming.  He replied (sarcastically), "What's so hard? You take him out back and hold him over the grass until he pees.  If he pees on the carpet we need to rub his nose in it."  Wow.    
Belly-button watch: not sure what's going on here.  I was SURE by now it would be an outie, but it's holding tight.  Maybe we will make it?!?
Notes: Looking forward to my first baby shower this weekend! 

1 comment:

Brittany said...

You and Carter are so cute!! :)