Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Day in the Life: 10 Months

I've been waiting for a "normal" day to document for 10 months but it seems like everyday we have something different going on.  This day I picked up Brooks from daycare and brought her to our house for some cousin time.

6:30- Why, oh why is this boy awake already?!?  All week he has been waking between 6-7am which is NOT okay with this Mama.  I rock him for a few minutes in his room and it is clear he is not going back to sleep so I give in, change his diaper and nurse him.

7:45- Carter's favorite time of day....breakfast! He will do just about anything for oatmeal and yogurt :)  He's also been very into toast and chewing on his sippy cup.  Whatever works, right?

8:30- Morning walk.  These don't happen everyday since he's prone to fall asleep in his stroller and I don't want to cross over into his morning nap.  Since he woke up so early today we took a quick stroll to the neighborhood mailboxes and back.

9:30- Morning nap for Carter and shower for me.

11:00- Carter's awake and saying "mamamamamama!" in his crib, my cue to go get him.  Diaper change, new clothes and some playtime.

11:45- Lunch with Nana at Chick-fil-A, our favorite.  I ordered C his own kiddie meal for the first time and he enjoyed 2 of the grilled nuggets.  He may have even had a french fry ;)

1:00- I leave Carter with Nana for awhile so I can run up to church to take care of a few things.  He refuses to nap.

2:00- I pick up Brooks from daycare and bring her with me back to Nana's.  She's very chatty right now, basically narrating our entire drive home, "there is a bird" "Minnie Mouse is on the TV" "Mandy drives the bus (??)"  When we get to Nana's she insists on doing a little vacuuming.

2:30- We get home and I put Carter down for a nap.  Brooks tells me she's tired so I put her in my bed with Mickey Mouse on the TV (thank God she's past the Caillou phase!)

3:30- Snack for me and Brooks! That girl will do anything for a blueberry.

4:00- Carter is up and I let the two of them play in the living room for awhile.  Carter loves nothing more than to just play alongside Brooks and watch as she busies herself.  Brooks and I ended the afternoon with new manicures.

5:30- I start dinner and soonafter Laura gets home to pick up Brooks.  They end up staying for dinner, which was nice since Matt had a late night.  Chicken, green beans, potatoes and bread- one of my favorite dinners.

6:00- We all sit down for dinner.  Brooks and Carter both decide that they do not like green beans.  Even Cooper won't eat them.

7:00- Bath, new jammies, bible story, nurse and Carter is asleep by 7:30.  He fell asleep on me while sweet.  I wish he did this more often.

As if on cue, as soon as Carter's head hits the mattress Matt walks in the door.  Ugh, I hate nights like that.

1 comment:

Grace Meeker said...

It has been FOREVER since I've logged into your blog...I can't believe how much that sweet adorable "baby" of yours is a little man now!! =) Hope you guys are doing good, miss you!