Monday, December 10, 2012

2 Weeks of Brooks!

Whew...we survived!

2 weeks ago my mom had eye surgery to repair a macular hole that had formed in her right eye.  All is fine and dandy now, but for the past two weeks her recovery has involved lying face-down  She couldn't read, lay on her back or right side, or do anything that would cause the gas bubble in her head to press against her eye.  Misery! I did 3 months of bed rest and this two week recovery she had sounds WAY worse!

Since my mom and dad keep Brooks during the day Brooks and Laura came to live with us while my mom was recovering.  It was so nice to get to spend so much time with Brooks during the day- I feel like I never get to sit and just hang out with her anymore.  And Laura was always home for dinner so I always had someone to eat dinner with at night (besides Carter!) and watch TV with and just talk to.  And I got a glimpse of what is must be like for moms of two kiddos! Let's just say now that I have a little perspective I think my job with Carter is easy compared to what it could be!

While Brooks was here I feel like we were constantly busy.  We had an activity in the morning everyday, either playgroup, the library, the park or church.  Lunch was always interesting trying to introduce Carter to carrots while feeding Brooks something she would eat, feed myself and make sure Brooks' lunch didn't all end up in Cooper's mouth.  In the afternoon's we usually went back to the park and attempted naps.  I say attempted because Carter always napped but Brooks was hit or miss.  On days where they were both asleep at the same time I felt like SUPERWOMAN!
You can barely see her, but Carter, Cooper and Brooks are all asleep

Brooks is at such a fun age and would say some of the funniest things while she was here.

  • In the morning Laura would bring Brooks in my room before she left for work and Brooks would start talking in her sleep.  Most of the time it was "Mommy" or "Caillou" but sometimes she would throw "Mickey Mouse" in there just to throw us off.  At first I thought she was awake but really she was just sleep-talking.  
  • When she would wake up for the day the very first thing out of her mouth everyday was "Baby Carter?"  She always had to check on Baby Carter and give him a kiss and pat his head.  Such a sweet girl...she's going to be a good mama one day.
  • For meals I would put them in their high chairs next to each other and Brooks always would reach over to hold Baby Carter's hand.  GAH...melt me! 

  • Girl LOVES to sing but she really only knows "Happy Birthday" and "Rock-a-Bye Baby."  So we sang HB to Brooks over and over, and RABB every time Carter would start to fuss or cry.  
  • Since she calls Carter "Baby Carter" I quickly got into the habit of calling him Baby Carter and still catch myself saying it now, even though she's back at her house.  
  • She repeats EVERYTHING she hears.  Everything.  Especially when you drop Baby Carter's spoon on the floor spewing carrots everywhere and say "Oh, crap!"  ohcrapohcrapohcrap...
  • When we would drive around she would always tell me which houses had Christmas lights.  You could always hear her in the backseat saying "Christmas Christmas lights...Christmas lights..."
  • She started saying "Oh my gosh" and uses it perfectly in context.  Like when I was bathing Baby Carter one night she climbed up on the counter to watch and could just point and say "Oh my gosh!" over and over.  Or when there was a blow-up snowman in someone's yard she would yell "Oh my gosh, SNOWMEN!"  Probably not something a 2.5 year old should say but it was so funny I had to laugh every time.
  • Girl is obsessed with playing at the park.  We live really close to a little playground next to where our mailboxes are and we would have to drive by there everyday.  She was constantly asking if we could go to the park and I could pretty much bribe her into doing anything I asked if I promised that we could go to the park afterwards.  Mom of the Year.
  • She loves the Katy Tigers almost as much as she loves going to the park.  We went to visit Matt at work several times while she was here and as soon as we turned into the KHS parking lot she would always yell "Oh my gosh, KATY TIGERS!"  "Uncle Matty!"  "Ahhh!"  
  • She made me really thankful that I have a little boy.  Getting her dressed and hair done in the morning was the most stressful part of my day everyday.  I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about bows and leggings and tangles and pigtails. catch up on all the stuff I didn't get done in the past two weeks! 


Loren Williamson said...

You've been busy!!!! Mom and Aunt of the year award!!! It looks and seems like you all had a wonderful time! The memories that Brooks and Carter are making as cousins is worth all the craziness! Both are just precious!!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH!!! We had so much fun!! thanks for letting us stay with you and taking such good care of my girlie girl!