Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weekend Austin Trip

Friday started with Monkey hanging out with Mama K and Brooks while I went to bible study.  How adorable is my baby?!?  :)

Katy had a bye this week so after Matt got home from school (early!) we hit the road and headed up to see Uncle Jeff's game against Cibolo Steele in Austin.  You didn't think we would take a weekend off from high school football, did you? We left right after I nursed him and he slept almost the entire way there.  We found a Chick-fil-A to eat dinner near the stadium and I nursed him while we were there.  Can I just say they have the BEST chocolate chip cookies! Yum! 

We made it to the stadium just as the game started.  How hot is my hubby wearing my adorable baby?!?  :)

Carter had a ball with all the people watching and sounds.  He spent some time with Daddy telling him all about the game, and then spent the majority of the night sleeping in Aunt Julie's arms.  I don't think I held him all night!  He is so good about falling asleep right at 8:30 no matter if we are at home or not.  Love that at this age you can just take them anywhere and they will sleep!  I'm sure next football season will not be as easy.  

Saturday baby boy slept until 9:30 so we had a lazy morning while Jeff was at work.  Once he got home we went to lunch at Threadgill's and then just spent the afternoon exploring Austin/Westlake.  The weather was perfect and we spent some time walking along a bridge...wish I could remember the name.  Austin is so nice and well-kept; I could totally live there.

We had planned to go home on Saturday but after a nap the college football games had started so we just decided to stay another night.  We flipped back and forth all night between at least 5 games.  So happy our Ag's won! 

And this is my baby coming home on Sunday.  Can you look at this picture and NOT smile?!?  

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