Thursday, June 14, 2012

Date Night!

After being cooped up in the house for the past 2 weeks Matt declared that "we are going on a date and leaving Carter with Aunt Sara and don't even try to argue with me."  This was on Monday and I've been dreading leaving since then.  It wasn't that I didn't want a date night with Matt- I really did.  And I really wanted to get out of the house.  Really.  But it was hard for me to think about leaving the Mini for even a little while.

The anticipation of leaving ended up being worse than actually doing it.  We left right after his 6pm feeding (with no tears!) and had dinner at Babins.  I love me some oysters, which I couldn't have raw while pregnant, so it was AMAZING to get out and have my fav appetizer again.  And iced tea!  Heaven.

Dinner went quickly so we decided to stop for ice cream before heading home.  Marble Slab sweet cream with reese's pieces...delish! 

It was so nice to spend time with Matt just the two of us.  Granted, we ended up talking about our little peanut most of the time we were gone, but I soaked up every minute of date night- who knows when we will be able to do this again.  Matt wants to make it a weekly thing, we'll see.  

Love you, babe! 


Lauren said...

IF Sara ever can't babysit, I'm your girl! I will do it for free just so I can hangout with little man!

Lisa said...

I LOVE seeing you two with a baby...your baby boy! It makes me so happy!!! And I agree with above...I am down for babysitting any time!!!!

Sara said...

Yup.... Weekly!!! I lovvvveeeddd getting to hold him and rock him for 2 solid hours. Ahhhhhh Heaven on earth with that sweet baby!