Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3 McDaniel BOYS!!

Can I just say that I hate teeth.  I try not to "hate" anything, but I can't think of another word to express my strong dislike for teeth.  Specifically baby teeth.  Carter has been running a low-grade fever all day and is generally Fussy McFusserson.  Blek!!

It only took us 3 months, but we finally got Mason, Carter and Graeme together in one place! Between Graeme's surgeries and hospital stay and Carter's RSV the boys were never around each other since Graeme was born.  Sadface.

Nana and PawPaw were in grandson Heaven with everyone under one roof.  I think I ended the night with over 100 pictures on my camera, lol.  It was St Patricks Day, hence the green get-ups.
Hanging with PawPaw

What's this grass stuff I'm sitting on??

 Let me look at this a little closer...

Hmmm...I think I'll take a bite out of this

I don't think he looks like either of us
These two certainly remind me of each other

I got to hold Graeme for the first time on Sunday!  How is it that I have already forgotten how small newborns are?!? This totally made me want another baby...haha! Just not the round-the-clock feedings. I love this little boy! He made me one happy auntie :)

All the babies.  I love how Mason is hugging his little brother! 

Entire family.  Now Mason is holding Carter's hand! I melt. 

PawPaw and Nana with their grandbabies.  I don't know who is happier...Carter or PawPaw!! 

So glad to have all of our boys together...finally! I just so excited everything worked out for Robby and Stephanie in regards to Tulsa and Graeme and all of our boys get to grow up together.  The next 20 years are sure to be crazy, but I wouldn't want it any other way.  

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