Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Calling All Mommies: Nap Help

Okay, I need some serious help.  Carter has never been a big napper.  We got to a point over Christmas break when Matt was home where he was going down easily and sleeping for 1+ hour at each nap, but since then his napping has been atrocious.  I can usually count on his first nap of the day to be about 45 minutes, but anything afterwards is hit or miss.  Some days he will snooze 20 or 30 minutes, but I very rarely get more than that.

Recently he has been waking up from his afternoon nap after about 15 minutes.  I try to let him cry and soothe himself back to sleep but some afternoons he just works himself up and cries so hard he starts to get sick.  I will go in there and rock him and he will instantly fall back asleep.  Then when I try to transition back to the crib he wakes up every.single.time.

I know he's not getting the proper amount of sleep because he is so fussy in the afternoons/early evenings.  What can I do to help him?  He sleeps really great at night so I hate to even complain, but I know he needs his daytime rest.

Anyone out there have any advice?  Thanks in advance. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I put up black out curtains in Bennett's room. I close them for nap times so his room is dark. I also have the Cloud B sleep sheep hanging on his crib. Bennett goes to sleep to it every time. (the stream and whale noises are the ones we use) He also has the really soft tiny blankey. I put that in his hand he just snuggles with it until he goes to sleep. Good luck!