Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 28 weeks
Size of babies: eggplants
Genders: girls! Madeline and Molly!
Weight gain: 22 pounds
Belly growth: 10 inches
Belly growth: 10 inches
Movement: yes and it's honestly getting pretty painful. They feel so squished in there that every little movement is uncomfortable.
Sleep: almost non-existent. Sneaking naps when I can and have been able to sleep on the couch comfortably some nights.
Stretch Marks: nope
Stretch Marks: nope
Symptoms: contractions, heartburn, restless leg, rib pain, lower back and hip pain
Cravings: ice cold water, milk or juice
Belly button: out
What I miss: playing with Carter Man all day
Belly button: out
What I miss: playing with Carter Man all day
Best moment this week: I got a good report from Dr P on Monday and we bought a new bookshelf for our bedroom this weekend (slightly pictured above.) This will open up some toy storage for Carter's things and living room space for the girls' things.
Best husband moment/quote: "You're so pleasant when you're pregnant" ;)
Notes: Dr P added a prescription med for the contractions and put me on strict bed rest for the next several weeks.
Notes: Dr P added a prescription med for the contractions and put me on strict bed rest for the next several weeks.
Comparison picture to 28 weeks with Carter:

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