Monday, October 5, 2009

Home Improvement

homeMan, I wish Tim Taylor was around to help me with all of my home improvement projects I’ve been working on!  (Tim Taylor was the star of my of my all-time favorite shows growing up, Home Improvement.)

So when we purchased our house last December we were in the middle of the playoffs, I was fighting off a bad strain of the flu, and Christmas was looming.  We ended up moving (and by moving I mean throwing everything into the garage and guest room) the day after the State Championship football game and never really unpacked.  This summer I made myself a long To Do list of stuff around the house that never got done after we moved in.  Welllll, summer came and went and here we are in October and my To Do list is not finished!  So in the past 3 weeks I have been busting my bum trying to get our house in working order.  Here’s proof:

New lights in the backyard and back patio021 023


New curtains in the living room, thanks to my wonderful sis-in-law, Stephanie121

New bookshelf (put together by yours truly) and bridal portrait120

A new dining room (before and after shots included)


I also got new bedroom furniture, new patio furniture and stained the back patio concrete but don’t have pictures to share.  Whew, after all of this work I’m tired!  

1 comment:

Robby and Stephanie said...

Y'alls house looks beautiful! Great work!!