So the l
ast time I did one of these the girls were two months old and we still had our moms here to help. A lot has changed in the last two months so I wanted to document another day to have a comparison. This is a normal day at home for us, without preschool, any appointments or errands to run, and while Matt is at work.
Thursday, July 3rd, 2014
5:45- Molly starts to stir and I head to the kitchen to heat two 4-ounce bottles. This is the perfect time for them to wake up as Matt and I can just stay awake when we are done with their feeds. Anytime earlier and it's hard to wake up after going back to sleep for only an hour. And anything later Matt will already be at work so I have to bottle feed them on my own. We still put their medicine in their bottles so this is the only breast milk bottle they get a day. We each take a girl, Matt takes Molly and I take Madeline. Usually it is reversed (because Maddy loves her Daddy) but Matt has to leave by 6:15 and Molly will eat faster than Madeline. While we feed them I pump and play on the iPad.
6:15- girls are burped, changed, swaddled and back in bed. Matt stores my milk and leaves for work and I hop in the shower. It's so much easier for me to get up early and get ready while the kids are asleep than to try and shower while they are awake.
7:00- most days Carter wakes up around 7:00 but today he was still asleep so I had time to enjoy my coffee in peace while listening to the news and drinking my coffee. I also try and get ALL THE THINGS done at this time: laundry, dishes, mail, bills, anything on the computer, set out breakfast, make Carter's lunch and making tonights bottles.
7:30- Carter is UP and knocking at his door for me to come rescue him. We watch and episode of Mickey Mouse together while I rock him and he plays with his tractors.
8:00- breakfast of champions, tractors welcome.
8:30- we usually go outside to play before it gets too hot and before I change Carter's clothes. Today he went outside and came right back in so he played with his train table while I cleaned up and switched the laundry over.
9:00- brother wakes up sisters with a kiss and gets iPad time while girls tandem nurse. He is loving Mother Goose Club and Blippi channels on YouTube, PBS Kids app, and anything tractors.
Full bellies! {Madeline, Molly}
9:30- Carter and I brush our teeth, something he LOVES to do. He has always loved to play with a toothbrush so I'm thankful this is not a battle for him/us. Girls have tummy time, which Carter always likes to supervise.
10:00- we are hosting a play date at our house today (easier than trying to go some place else) so chaos ensues for awhile. The girls nap in their swings almost the entire play date. Our play group went from two toddlers and a baby a year ago, to three toddlers and three babies today!
Tess is one month younger than the girls but about the size of the two of them put together! {Madeline, Molly}
Big day for Carter...he wore goggles! This is a BIG DEAL for kids with sensory issues!
12:00- girls nurse while Carter, Nancy and Nate eat lunch. Note to self: do not attach hook-on high chairs to one side of the table or it will fall over.
Big siblings are a little jealous of their baby sisters!
1:00- nap time for all! Carter has a rough time falling asleep and I'm in and out of his room a few times. Once he finally falls asleep I sneak in a quick lunch before Molly wakes up. I end up laying down on the couch with her and taking a nap.
3:30- Matt gets home from work and has some free time while everyone is asleep. He's probably glad I'm not harassing him about the laundry, dishes, packing, etc.
4:00- all 3 kids wake up at the exact same moment. Matt heads to Carter's room while I head into our room to nurse the girls. Matt and Carter join us soon and we all hang out on the bed together while the girls eat. Carter loves to put on a show running around our bed, making funny faces and laughing at himself.
4:30- I head out to run some errands while Matt stays home with the kids. Typically I leave and either take Carter or the girls with me, but today they all stay at home with Matt. On the agenda for errands is a diet coke and dry cleaning. On my way home it looks like the bottom is about to fall out of the sky.
5:00- Carter and Matt head outside to watch the rain, hang out with Aunt Sara and Uncle Randy (we share a backyard), and get super started on the grill. I work on packing our bags for Florida while the girls do some more tummy time and sit in their bouncers.
6:00- dinner. Carter is protesting any and all food these days so most of his dinner comes in liquid form: milk, yogurt, veggie pouch and baby food. Textures are hard for him so we don't fight him on the food battle as long as he gets his nutrition from some way. Tonight I worked with him to eat a pear but eventually he won and I ended up eating the pears myself. And of course, Madeline has to sit in Daddy's lap while we eat dinner.
6:45- cuddled up with Daddy watching TV before bed.
7:00- the boys head to Carter's bathroom while the girls end up in my bedroom to nurse. I can always hear the boys through the wall in my bedroom but I never know what goes on during Carter's bath. Sounds like a war zone. Madeline falls asleep nursing while Molly is just full of smiles.
7:30- girls get new jammers, diapers and swaddles and go to bed. Matt and I head to Carter's room for books, play time and prayers. Carter requests repeats of Jesus Loves Me and Itsy Bitsy Spider before I leave his room and I oblige.
8:00- done!
11:00- we head to bed and fall asleep almost as soon as we lay down. It's not unusual for Matt to fall asleep with a video on his tablet still on. I'm in the middle of book 3 of Game of Thrones so I only allow myself two chapters a night so I'm not up until the wee hours of the morning reading. By this time of night it's a battle to stay awake so two chapters is really all I can conquer anyway.
And that's a wrap!
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