Size of baby: ear of corn
Maternity Clothes: mainly t-shirts and leggings during the day, I wore a non-maternity dress today. The above shirt and jeans are maternity.
Weight gain: 10 lbs
Movement: Yes! Mainly in my lower left abdomen, guessing that's where his feet are. His movements are more than just little kicks and jabs now. Matt gets a kick out of poking him and feeling him kick back. :)
Sleep: This week hasn't been great. I have been waking up around 3am, staying awake and falling back asleep around 7am. Ugh!
Symptoms: acid reflux has made it's unwanted debut. Still having leg cramps and a killer backache.
Cravings: anything sweet
What I miss: Diet Coke, sleeping on my stomach, being comfortable in any position
Best moment this week: Matt is home for spring break so I've had company while on bed rest
Best husband moment/quote: Matt's 2nd grocery store experience went much better than the first, lol. Can I count his quote "Whoa, you've really popped!" as my least favorite part this week??
Belly-button watch: still an innie
Notes: Hoping for a good appointment tomorrow!
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